Tuesday, September 8, 2009

The Painting has Begun!

THe drawing and painting has begun; a very imaginative process as decisions about color and image and pattern are being made as the work develops; the very opposite of having a miniature plan in place and simply copying it to the wall. This process treats the building as a blank canvas, and builds the mural in much the same fashion as an easel painting would be developed. Stay tuned; the growth of the mural will be fascinating!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Photos of Mural Workshops

Josette's proposal for the Mural was accepted tonight by the SouthShore Arts Council Board, so the actual painting will begin soon.

Josette has led a very intense and exciting series of workshops, attended by over 60 people of diverse ages and experience. The workshops have been a crash course in visual issues, as shown in the pictures in the following slide show.

Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.

More soon!